Man standing at base of Antelope Canyon canal staring up in awe. The canyon is red, the sky in the background is blue with dispersed clouds.

Awe In The Everyday

Although awe can be experienced through devastating circumstances such as the force of mother nature, it can also be a great asset. Both negative and positive awe helps us put things into perspective. When we experience awe in a good way, we tend to be more optimistic and kinder. This can contribute to a decrease in feelings of stress and negativity. By looking at awe in the everyday, we can strive for an improved sense of well-being.

Qualities of Awe

In reality, awe is a phenomenon that can lead to contrasting feelings. From overwhelm to admiration, experiencing it can be intense. Your body may even go through changes. It can take your breath away, and even get goosebumps. Some get a chill running through their body. And yet others say it can stop you in your tracks. Awe can trigger your feel-good hormones which is why it can improve your state of being. By seeking awe in the everyday, you can reap the benefits.

The triggers for awe are vast. Most often, natural wonders are a source of awe for most humans, but it can also spark fear. Some describe awe as a precursor to reverence. It’s hard not to be mesmerized by the grandiosity of nature when you stumble across great forests, canyons, or mountains.

When you see the interconnectedness of systems it is easy to admire them. The strength and dedication to achieve grand goals also leads to awe. Talent can also be seen as such. Think of the effort professional athletes put in to be the best in their sport. At times, their accomplishments can seem unfathomable as the majority of us struggle to meet our core physical activity needs.

Awe’s Ability To Connect You

Undeniably, in order to experience awe, you need to be able to connect to the world. That includes the physical world and other people. The great thing is that both of these traits are part of self care. It both allows you to recognize greatness in others, and it can build a bridge between you and other people.

Awe is normally an independent experience unique to you. It can be experienced in a group, like at a public performance or a popular destination. Yet, the same awe inspiring instance can be perceived differently by each participant, if at all.

Additionally, people can experience awe by helping others out, and by seeing growth in those they help. Think of how excited parents are when a baby says its first words or walks for the first time. Children are particularly adept at experiencing awe. Everything is new to them and excites them. As adults we lose that sense of bewilderment. By being open to experiencing awe in your everyday, you can gain some of that optimistic perspective that everything will work out.

5 Ways To Find Awe

Slow down

Be aware of your surroundings and take time to focus on the activities you are doing. We miss moments of awe every day by trying to multi-task and by running on autopilot. Much like the practice of mindfulness, fine-tune your attention to the things that you like and enjoy doing. Bring intent to your thoughts and consider your values. By knowing who your authentic self is, you can be open to experiencing more awe. Engaging in daily gratitude also allows you to see it in the little things.

Be open to learning & new experiences

Through the lens of a child, we can experience more awe. Push yourself to learn something new or try something unfamiliar. Flexing your comfort muscle as part of any growth leads to new roads and strengthens your resilience to deal with challenges. Start small and continue to experiment. Learn a new skill, subject, sport, or language. There are no limits to investing in yourself.


If you have ever experienced a natural wonder, you most likely experienced awe. Whether you are standing in the middle of the great Rocky Mountains by the edge of a lake surrounded by endless trees, or staring at the rock layers of the Grand Canyon, the grandiosity of these structures reminds you that the world is more than what we know. Another phenomenon I personally love is the aurora borealis. When particles from a solar storm hit our atmosphere, the resulting display is undulating waves of light that change colour as they float through the sky. It is magical.

Closer to home, we can find awe in nature around our neighbourhoods and in our homes. An old tree reveals the history of its environment when you examine its cross rings. It can show you a complex system of roots which helped it fight off strong winds and torrential rains. The branches create a canopy with their leaves that let the sunlight through creating shelter and calm to those below. Similarly, the veins of a plant reveal an intricate transportation system to move water from the roots to the leaves. Through photosynthesis, the leaves convert light energy from the sun into chemical energy. The veins are responsible for taking these nutrients back to the stem. Nature is my favourite source for awe.


Experiencing the arts in all of its forms is one of the best ways to experience awe. If you have no idea of where to start, take it in one experience at a time. The beauty of art is that we all take something different away from it. A painting can trigger your imagination. An orchestra can soothe your soul. A dance performance can be physically exhilarating or bring you to tears through story. It can be as simple as the ceramic bowl on your mantle, that was crafted by a local artisan. You can appreciate the marks they chose to put on it, and the skill they have developed over time. There is such an emotional rollercoaster that is possible through art. You increase your chances of experiencing awe if you expose yourself to it.


Helping others can also bring awe into your life. But this is a different type of awe that is more often found when volunteering for social causes. When you learn the stories of the people you help, it not only makes you feel good that you are helping, but it also gives you perspective on the fortune you have. You realize that one bad decision or a streak of bad luck can take everything away. Seeing someone overcome something insurmountable can be a form of human enlightenment that we can attribute to awe. By helping others you are also helping yourself. You can appreciate what you have, you can value your relationships, you find joy in the little things, and you define what matters.

Increase your chances to experience awe.

Awe is fascinating. It can bring with it a range of emotions, and it can grant us perspective. When we start to recognize little moments of awe in our every day, we also open up our mind to experience awe at a grande scale. This realignment to our place in the world and our role in relationships helps us stay accountable to ourselves. Not only for our beliefs and values, but also in our goals and personal growth. Unquestionably, exposing ourselves intentionally to sources of awe in our environments primes us to the magic of awe. We can appreciate the little things more and see the interconnectedness of our world.

IMAGE CREDIT: Unsplash | Christopher Ruel.