Two women having a meeting. They are sitting at a large wood table with black leather board room chairs.

Practicing Self Care At Work

When embarking on a self care lifestyle, you must also consider how you can practice self care at work. Self care is often thought about as a very personal and private endeavour. But in order to succeed in self care, you must consider how to implement it throughout all facets of your life. Not only does it help you maintain the balance you need to feel well, it also makes it easier to transition between your different identities. Finding ways to maintain your self care at work will translate into better workplace relationships too.

Workplace Challenges

Finding ways to maintain your self care at work can be a challenge, and for some jobs it is almost Impossible. But regardless of what your work is, you owe it to yourself to find ways to do some self care. Some workplaces do implement employee well-being practices and support their staff with more benefit options. When unions are present, they also ensure that breaks and compensation are not compromised. Unfortunately, some employers are not open to some of these discussions, so focus on the things that you can do within the context that you find yourself in.

Understanding what is acceptable in your workplace is key for your success. Then you need to find ways to incorporate self care that will energize and motivate you. Don’t be worried about what other people think. Often times, if they are curious, they will ask questions. And that’s a good thing! When people understand that your choices are to help keep you alert and feeling good, they often start making positive changes of their own. This can also create a domino effect which can then result in positive peer support for reaching goals.

8 Workplace Self Care Tips

Some self care at work is easier to implement than others. Start by targeting one area this month, then add to it as you get better at it. To engage in self care at work, is to bring your best self forward. Self care at work is not refusing to do your work or certain tasks, nor is it choosing your own hours or days. It is about making the right choices to ensure you have a balanced day. Self care at work is about nurturing your mind and body so that you can be emotionally stable, productive, and accountable for your responsibilities. It is about establishing the behaviour you need to succeed, while building the relationships with your colleagues.


We all need to take breaks throughout the day. Even on jobs that have structured break times, use the time wisely. Knowing how to optimize this short time for yourself, you can make better decisions. Eat a light snack, rehydrate, go to the bathroom, and move around for a bit. Even with just a 10-minute break you can squeeze some of these in. Your mind and body will thank you for it. Read Bio-breaks for a full breakdown.


Take a few minutes each hour to reset your mind and body. By disconnecting from the task you are working on, it allows your mind to reset. Do some gentle stretches and ease any aches you are feeling. By shifting positions, you are allowing your body to adjust. Pain caused by hours of being in a fixed position can be excruciating, and one of the worst things you can do for your body. Furthermore, pain can interfere with your concentration so you become less productive and more irritable.

Disconnect from technology too. Give yourself the gift of not spending time endlessly scrolling on your phone. A few quiet moments with your thoughts is good. It allows you to be in the moment. By disconnecting completely, you are also reducing the stimuli that can lead to being overwhelmed.

Limit Your Chatter

Small talk can make you feel great when you connect with someone, but it can also be the source of more stress. By limiting your breaks to focus on yourself, you are giving your mind and body what they need. This will decrease the stress that you feel.

This approach also helps you focus the time you do spend with others more productively. Direct the conversation to positive topics and supporting one another. Don’t spend it judging others or complaining about work. This doesn’t make anyone feel better in the long run, and it could also jeopardize your job. If you have complaints, follow the proper channels.

Time Block

By organizing yourself and the tasks you need to accomplish, you can better manage your self care at work. If you can get organized, you can maximize your focus and increase your productivity. This is not to prove anything to your boss, it is actually to minimize your stress. When you accomplish tasks, you feel good about yourself. Inversely, if you struggle to get things done because you are unorganized and can’t prioritize, your stress goes up because you are waiting for the axe to fall. Being organized helps you reach your goals and can flag areas you need to work on.


Boundaries is one of the most important tools for self care at work, and possibly one of the hardest. It is easier to implement when you are new to the job, and much harder if you’ve let it slide. But it’s better to start late than to never set up boundaries.

Boundaries at work are important for many reasons. It helps you prioritize what you value, such as your privacy, safety, and well-being. We live in a time where work expectations often exceed regular business hours, regardless of the industry you find yourself in. And this takes a toll. Not being able to live your personal life erodes your quality of life. Having these conversations with your employer are vital. And if they are not able to respect your boundaries, then you need to make a hard decision if this is the right job for you.

Additionally, knowing your boundaries and those of your colleagues will help keep discussions appropriate. Oversharing can harm you and it can take the focus away from what you are trying to achieve if things become too personal. This doesn’t mean that you can’t make great friends at work. Know the different roles, and be aware that context can dictate different boundaries. This will minimize conflicts down the road.

Take Your Allotted Time

Most jobs have sick days and vacation days that you are eligible for. If you are a freelancer, these principles still apply. When you are ill, your body needs to focus on healing. Forcing yourself to work through it is only going to prolong your healing time and increases risks. And despite some people thinking they can overcome symptoms, they often make mistakes and are less productive when sick.

Another interesting fact is that vacation days normally go unused by much of the labour force. Don’t be one of them! Don’t feel guilty. Taking time to rest and get out of your normal routine does wonders for your state of being. You can tackle work when you return, recharged and full of motivation. Vacation time is needed, it is not a luxury, it is a way to maintain your well-being.

Be Open To Growth

Much of self care in general has to do with personal growth, and self care at work also involves the ability to grow. This is where you see the biggest challenge for people. As people get older, it becomes harder to learn something. They get stuck in their ways. This can be detrimental in the workplace. Adaptability makes your career path much easier. It will open doors you didn’t even know existed. This also ties into your accountability. Understanding what your role actually is and how it changes over time is vital for you to succeed in your job. By staying open to learning, you will also experience less stress than if you resist. Resistance normally leads to more conflict and hurt emotions.

Another vital piece to professional growth is being able to accept criticism. If you have a leader that provides regular feedback, you are so fortunate! For those that only get a yearly review, the criticism comes across more harsh and therefore, the message often gets lost in the communication because it can often come as a surprise. I encourage leaders to have regular feedback for their employees. The sooner you flag any problems, the easier it is to steer them in the right direction.

On the flip side, at times, the criticism is harsh and unwarranted. No one is perfect, and if you feel the feedback was truly wrong, accept it as that person’s opinion and move on. Don’t let it affect you or define you. See what you absolutely have to change, and ask for help if you don’t know how to get there.


Last but not least in the self care at work tips is respect. Respect for yourself and for those you work with. Respecting your colleagues and supervisors, even if you have a difference in opinion is important. If there is no respect, it creates tension, unnecessary conflict, and it halts productivity. Great companies can fall because of this, and people can lose their jobs. It is not worth it. Many organizations have codes of conduct that include a respectful workplace section because this has become a problem.

And finally, respect yourself. This may sound odd, but hear me out. If something is off at work, figure out what is affecting you. Approach your immediate leader or your human resources department to see if it can be dealt with. If you have a union, reach out to your representative.

If you are facing major challenges because you don’t have the right tools or are dealing with unacceptable behaviour from others, this needs to be addressed. Listen to your mind and your body. You know when something is not right. If this workplace is not the right environment for you, leave. Easier said than done, I know, especially if finances are keeping you there. But if it costs you your health, it is not worth it.

What do you do for self care at work?

A big part of implementing self care at work is understanding what your needs are. If you are new to self care, start small. Once it becomes a habit you can add more tools. Learn to listen to your mind and body. Dreading to go in to work is a sign. If you are always exhausted at the end of the day, what can you do to get more energy? Is your crash at the same time every day? When it’s time to go home, do you feel like you did your best? Learn to leave work at work. It will be there for you when you return the next day. Being able to establish that boundary is vital.

People often spend more time at work than anywhere else in their lives. And depending on the job, they may even spend more time with work colleagues than with family or friends. To embrace self care as a lifestyle, you also need to do self care at work. Granted it is easier in the comfort of your home, and it can even feel like you are doing something wrong if you do it at work. Know the parameters of your job, and what is and is not acceptable in your specific situation. Remember to nourish your mind and your body throughout the day, be respectful, be open to growth, and take time when you need it.

IMAGE CREDIT: Unsplash | Amy Hirschi.