Hope is expecting something good to happen in the future. It can be tied to a specific event or overall circumstances. When we struggle with mental health, hope seems ephemeral. Learn how to get hope back. Continue reading Hope
Hope is expecting something good to happen in the future. It can be tied to a specific event or overall circumstances. When we struggle with mental health, hope seems ephemeral. Learn how to get hope back. Continue reading Hope
Judgement hurts you, regardless if you are being judged or you are doing the judging. It makes you focus on the negatives and creates barriers between you and others. Continue reading Eliminating Judgement
Incorporate self-compassion as a part of your overall self care practice. Doing so will help you reduce expectations and judgements of yourself. Continue reading Self-Compassion: Be Your Own Best Friend
Creativity can be an intimidating topic for most people. Art journaling can help you explore your creative side while helping you destress, reducing your inhibitions, and increasing playfulness. Continue reading Art Journaling To Explore Creativity & Mindfulness
Although well-intentioned, we often fail at our goals within the first month. By starting with self-reflection, you can successfully implement change in your life. Continue reading Using Self-Reflection For Goal Setting
Motivation looks differently on each person, and it changes based on circumstances and what stage of life we find ourselves in. Don’t compare yourself to others when figuring out your motivation. Continue reading Motivation
Control is one of the hardest things to relinquish. By learning to identify what is and what is not in your control, you can start to focus your energy on the things that matter. Continue reading Identifying What Is & Isn’t In Your Control
Change is hard and stressful. It inevitably requires us to shift how we behave and makes us go outside of our routine. By embracing change we can reduce the tension and reflect on the important things. Continue reading Change Is A Chance
Laughter is contagious and brings us joy. It helps curb stress, reduce pain, and builds relationships. Laughing regularly improves quality of life. Continue reading Laughter & Humour
As children we all enjoyed playing dress-up. Now as adults, we tend to not put much thought into it. But, how we choose to dress ourselves says a lot about us. Continue reading Play Dress-Up: Clothes Impact Your Mood & Attitude