Woman blowing confetti under a yellow arch in a room with pink balloons, a celebratory cake, and a neon Happy Birthday sign against an orange backdrop.

Birthdays: From Dread To Embrace

Many people dread milestone birthdays because they associate getting old and not being where they think they should be. That is approaching birthdays with a fixed mindset that serves you no good. By shifting how we reframe birthdays, we can start to see them for what they are. A celebration of your journey on this planet, and with gratitude to those that brought you into the world.

It’s Your Birthday

For those that celebrate birthdays, keep doing so! It’s a great opportunity to celebrate the person that you are. Everyone deserves a day to feel special and be celebrated by loved ones. If your birthday falls on a work day, see if you can book it off. Some companies offer this as a benefit, but if they don’t, use one of your vacation days to spend the day doing things that make you happy.

If you don’t like to celebrate birthdays, that is okay too. But I urge you to consider why? Is it because you are uncomfortable being the centre of attention? Is it because it feels vain? Or do you simply prefer not to make it a thing? Nonetheless, spend some time reflecting on your life. Use your birthday as a recharge day and to celebrate all the good in your life.

Dreading Getting Old

Birthdays become dreaded when we fear getting old. Some of those fears are rooted in reality, but more often than not, it is rooted in the wrong things. As a society, we label people by our own biases, and youth is revered. As we live longer, those milestone birthdays have pushed some of those misconceptions back a decade or two, but at the end of the day, we have not successfully left ageism behind.

Yes we have many limitations as we age, but we also gain other things. Our physical bodies deteriorate making it harder to get things done. We may not have the stamina we did in our early years, but with regular physical activity, you can prolong and improve your quality of life. So regardless of what age you are now, it is never too late to start being active! Make sure you check in with a medical professional before you start any new activity.

Some go as far as not admitting their age to people in their lives. But that can only harm you, you are in essence in denial. Why does the real number cause you fear? What does it signify in your mind? By taking a hard look at why you are avoiding that reality, it may give you a clue on areas of self help that you need to work on. If you struggle to understand why, seek the help of mental health professional to get some guidance.

Flip The Narrative On Birthdays

Birthdays are great to reflect on where you are on your life journey. If you are not where you want to be, don’t be upset or beat yourself up over it. Use it as an opportunity to evaluate what is helping you get there, and decide what you need to change.

In the last few years, I have also added something else to my birthdays. I express gratitude for my parents and my ancestors. Your existence in this world is because of the people that created you. And their existence is because of their parents. Focus on all the good things you have experienced in your life. None of that would have been possible if you hadn’t been born.

This may sound odd to you, but finding gratitude in your existence helps you to view life a little differently. You may find it difficult if you do not have a good relationship with your family, or if you have gone through a lot of hardship. Yet, there have to be some positives in life. At the core of it is you. There is no one like you. All of your experiences up until now have helped shape you into the person you are today.

Plan The Following Year

Birthdays can be a great time to plan your upcoming year. What goals do you want to accomplish? How do you need to adjust your self care to optimize your well being? Do you need to make any radical changes in your life? Are you happy in your relationships? Does the work you do satisfy your purpose? Birth dates can be great arbitrary dates to hit the reset button and adjust your goals and dreams. They also help remind you that you are worthy and deserve good in your life. Sometimes it’s hard to remember that when we are busy taking care of others.

Celebrate your birthdays!

The more trips around the sun you make, the better you start to understand the world around you. We also start to realize our limitations. By ensuring you start your self care journey at any point in that continuum, you ensure that the future is going to be of better quality. You learn to prioritize yourself and you optimize opportunities that present themselves.

Don’t let a number dictate how you feel about yourself. Take birthdays as an opportunity to reflect, be grateful, and plan for the year ahead. Each birthday is a chance to remember where you have been and appreciate how far you have come.

IMAGE CREDIT: Pexels | Khezez.