Woman dipping her toes in water. Her bare legs are visible past her straw hat.

Living A Life Of Luxury

When we talk about luxury, most people default to the concept of having ridiculous amounts of money to do whatever they want. That automatically puts it out of reach for the majority of people. But luxury is more than wealth. By redefining what luxury means to you, you can live a luxurious life. This exercise helps you look at luxury through the lens of self care, and switches your mindset from must have, to gratitude for the things we have.

In Search Of Luxury

Most people search endlessly for luxury. They may define it as wanting to be rich or wanting material things. A bigger house, a fancy car, expansive wardrobes, exotic vacations, and more. However you define luxury, odds are, money is the foundation of that concept. Often the misconception that money will bring us happiness causes great pitfalls and disappointments. We think that if we just have enough money to get those things, then things will be better. But they usually aren’t.

Why do most of us assume that buying that one thing will bring us joy? How is money and the luxurious lifestyle it brings truly going to help us? Unarguably having money can help bring comforts to you and secures your basic necessities, but that doesn’t mean that people without financial wealth can’t live a life of luxury. Luxury from material things is by far an accepted definition in society, but by identifying what some of those things bring, we can find other ways to access a lux lifestyle.

Luxury represents the ability to get the things you want. Luxury offers you the ability to provide yourself with the things that make you feel better, and maintain a balanced life. You eat well, rest when needed, take care of your body, and nurture relationships. These are the core pillars of self care! If you expand on the concept of luxury, you also have the ability to pursue dreams, explore the world, and educate yourself. These are also self care concepts that help you live a better life.

Achieving Luxury Through Self Care

Begin your life of luxury by changing your perspective. By redefining luxury through a self care lens and what it means to you, you can start to live a life of luxury.

Nurture Your Body

By taking care of your mind and body, you are staying on top of your health, and that, is a luxury that we all want. From being able to have nutritious meals that fuel your mind and body, to the ability to consume clean water, these are basics necessities of life. Only then can you also engage in physical activity that keeps you active and fulfilled. This in turn helps keep your mind calm. Additionally, by engaging in daily mindfulness, you not only reduce distractions, you also optimize your appreciation for the little things in life that make you feel good.

Love & Support

The ability to feel love for others and be loved is core to our sense of belonging. Having a network of support in your life is also important. From friends and family to colleagues and mentors, we all need other people to manoeuvre through life’s challenges. Regardless of our age, if we have people we feel close to, life is easier. It is when we are alone that every hurdle becomes a stumbling block. Nurturing relationships is vital to finding harmony.


The ability to control stimulus in our environments is one of the biggest luxuries in life. This may sound odd, but it has an incredible impact on our mental health.

How does this translate into your everyday life? For me, it is about making sure I have a physical space where I can go to to retreat from the world. It is my safe space where I can be mindful and recharge, without interruption. You can create a space in your home for this, or alternatively, have a place where you can go when you need to. Making sure the space is clutter-free helps to reduce the mental clutter as well.

Additionally, simple things in your immediate environment can make a big difference. Consider how your senses are being impacted. Comfortable fabrics like the clothing choices you make or blankets you choose to have around your home can bring comfort through tact. Control the lighting in a room by having different types of light. From general room lighting, to task lights, and natural light, they can all affect how you feel. Dimmers on lights help change the intensity as needed. Sound is a major contributor to stress. Having quiet spaces or the ability to block out noise is a huge factor in feeling comfort. Scents you choose to use in your spaces can also alter how you feel.


Access to nature has an incredibly calming effect on the mind and body. We all have access to nature in one format or another. Spending a little time connected to nature will boost your well-being. Whether that be from a home garden or taking a walk in the park, nature will give you a reset. If you have more time, you can submerge yourself in a forest or sit by the lake and breathe in the fresh air. Now more than ever, we are starting to realize what a precious commodity nature is in our lives.


The ability to grow both personally and professionally are part of living in luxury. Through the pursuit of knowledge, we achieve a greater understanding of how our world is interconnected. More importantly, we also understand ourselves better and our own role within our communities.

We live in a time where there is an abundance of information available to all of us, and a lot of it is available for free. You need to decide what matters to you and what you would like to know more about. Through this path, you not only stimulate your mind, but you open the door to future opportunities.

Exploring the world around you is also part of living a life of luxury. From being curious about the different opportunities in your own community, to travelling to distant lands, the possibilities are endless. Take this as a chance to try new things, be open to experiences outside your comfort zone, and have a positive mindset about the unknown.


Time is a luxury we all seek. Regardless of what stage of life you find yourself in, time is precious. Being able to carve out time for yourself throughout the day is key to feeling in control of your life. These pockets of time should include time for your core self care, quiet, uninterrupted work, and fun.

Redefine what luxury means to you.

The ability to take care of yourself and live a balanced life is luxurious. The tools to follow a self care journey can help bring luxury to you. Focus on your nutrition, rest, activity, connection, and stimulation. We often take for granted the things that we have. Through mindfulness and gratitude we can appreciate what we do have.

By prioritizing yourself, you can pivot to what truly matters in life, and realize there is another way to achieve what you have longed for. Carve out pockets of time to prioritize yourself and to take a break from the world. Check what makes your senses feel comfortable, then customize your environment to feel luxurious. Reframe and examine how you can achieve small luxuries in life. Then create achievable goals through your self care journey that will lead to a life of luxury.

IMAGE CREDIT: Unsplash | Angelo Pantazis.