Woman stretching in bed in the morning.

Set A Morning Routine To Have A Good Day

Setting a morning routine is critical to setting yourself up for success, increasing your chances of having a good day. A morning routine allows you to have consistency which helps calm your mind. It also allows you time to set the tone and focus on the priorities for the day. Our days are filled with tasks and responsibilities, and it all starts with prioritizing your own morning routine. Establishing a morning routine that emphasizes your self care will help reduce your stress levels and can help you navigate the challenges of the day.

The Importance Of Structured Starts

Humans are creatures of habit, so by creating positive routines, you can maximize your days while taking care of your mental health. If you create a morning routine focused on self care, it will be easier to stick to your self care goals throughout the day. If you try and implement them for the first time while drowning in calls or running around doing things, you will most likely fail. This adds to your stress and it can make you feel frustrated and defeated.

By creating a morning routine, you prime your mind and body for positivity. Your focus makes you more productive. And more importantly, you make time for yourself. If you still need more convincing, on the opposite end of the scale, by creating a morning routine, you are more likely to get better sleep. That’s because you create consistency of when you get up. Then you start to get tired around the same time every day, helping you create a better bedtime routine too.

Sometimes you need to start your morning routine before anyone else in your home wakes up. It might be hard to get up earlier, but it will be worth it to have a little time to yourself.

Factors To Include In Your Morning Routine

Ease Into It

When you first wake up, try not to jump out of bed in a couple of seconds. Ease into your awakening. Take a few deep breaths, and use this opportunity before you even get out of bed to stretch your body. Review how your sleep was. Focus on how your body feels. Then slowly start to get up. Allow your body the opportunity to ease into movement.

Most people need to empty their bladder upon waking up. This is another opportunity for you to be mindful of what you are doing. This act is releasing toxins via your urine. Then, rehydrate your body by getting water into your body right away. Some like to eat next, others prefer to exercise. Try both and see what makes more sense to you. Ensure that you eat a nutritious breakfast to fuel your body for the rest of the morning. If exercising in the morning is too much for you, make sure you at least think about what type of exercise you will do later and know when you will do it. By making a plan, you are more likely to stick to it.

Most of us rush through the process of washing up and getting dressed in the mornings without even being aware of what we are doing. This is another chance to practice mindfulness. How does the water feel on your skin? Are the fabrics you have chosen to wear soothing?

Look Ahead

Spend time reviewing your day. Make sure you prioritize what you need to accomplish and set the tone for the day. Do some breathing exercises to focus your mind and take this time to go through some affirmations. This will help you get into a positive mindset and it boosts your confidence. Alternatively, jotting your thoughts in a journal can also provide clarity.

Try to limit your exposure to the digital world when you start your day. The influx of information can elevate your stress levels immediately. If needed, do it towards the end of your morning routine. That way you have already done some mindfulness techniques to bring calm and you have nurtured your body.

What is the favourite part of your morning routine?

You are the best person to figure out what you need in your morning routine. A fresh day is an opportunity to do better. Remember to keep your self care pillars top of mind when planning it out. If at first you don’t succeed, tweak a few things and try again. It takes time to create a habit. Be kind to yourself if you miss a day or two, just remember that this is for you and it will help you have a better day. Evaluate how much time you have for your morning routine, and ensure that you ease into the day. By practising a few core self care tips first thing in the morning, you will most likely continue prioritizing your self care the rest of the day.

IMAGE CREDIT: Unsplash | Bruce Mars.