Man hugging his pet dog while outdoors.

Pets Positive Influence On Mental Health

Animals can have a big impact on your life, including your mental health. With well over half of the world’s population having a pet of some sort, it is worth looking at the benefits of connecting with an animal. By far furry pets are the most sociable and the main focus of this discussion, but many people are content with other types of pets. The decision to be a pet owner should not be taken lightly. By understanding the pros and the cons of pet ownership, you can decide if this is the right path for you.

The Perks Of Furry Pets

Dogs and cats are sociable animals that can provide companionship. Some pets are better than others at reading your feelings, and although they lack the comprehension of humans, they know something is off. They try to help in whatever way they know. Pets may go for cuddles or petting, they may even purr or try to talk to you. They engage with you in a way that makes you feel seen. Contact with your fur babies can release oxytocin, the feel good hormone that gets released during hugging. All of this can help you feel less stressed, it can reduce anxiety and depression, and improve any feelings of loneliness.

Cat naps leaning against a dog on a terracotta floor.

Pets make you more active. Dogs will get you out for walks daily. Some cats will go outside, but nonetheless, playtime can get you moving even inside your home. Pets adapt to your schedule, so they help you maintain routines. And because they rely on you for their own needs, they make you feel valued. The joy they experience when you come home often releases a burst of good sensations. They improve your mood simply by spending time with you. And even though felines tend to be more independent, they still need to spend time with their human caregivers.

Pets help with socialization. Canines are great at picking up on social anxiety cues, and they find ways to soothe you. People approach dogs to pet them, which can help you get more comfortable around strangers and can help you learn small talk. Additionally, people also perceive pet owners to be more approachable and kinder.

Animal Therapy

The benefits of animals in treating people with mental health issues continues to expand. Registered therapy dogs can provide comfort for patients undergoing therapy or they can help their pet owners function in otherwise challenging circumstances. Service dogs can be trained to perform certain tasks or to respond to certain behaviours. But you don’t need to have an official service animal to obtain the benefits of owning a pet. If you are diagnosed with a mental illness that could benefit from animal companionship, do your research into options available to you.

Other Critters

Equine therapy is psychotherapy which incorporates horses into the process and is led by a trained mental health professional. By engaging in activities like feeding, grooming, and leading a horse, patients experience similar benefits to having a pet. They become emotionally aware and develop better social skills. The mindful activities they engage in can reduce heart rate and blood pressure, as well as reduce the stress they are feeling. Similar to dogs and cats, horses can sense your emotions so they can help you identify and regulate your emotions, building a stronger bond and trust in the relationship.

Another interesting trend we’ve seen lately is goat yoga. Yoga is known for being meditative in nature, as well as a great way to learn how to listen to your body. The addition of goats to the practice can be distracting to some, but it is intended to be fun. Goats are playful and calm, and they interact with the participants. People relax and laugh, decreasing stress and feelings of anxiety.

Responsible Pet Ownership

Owning a pet isn’t for everyone. It is a decision that should be considered thoroughly before taking that step. Despite all the benefits of having a pet, there are some negatives that are important for you to be aware of. The first is that pets can carry diseases that are transmittable to humans. A regular hygiene routine is required as well as veterinary visits. Just like humans, animals can develop chronic problems too that require care. They can also have dietary requirements that can get costly and some foods and plants can make them very sick. Pets can also destroy some of your belongings. All of these factors can start to add up over time. And even though there is pet insurance for some of those unforeseen circumstances, it is a guarantee that pets will cost a lot of money.

Another key aspect to consider is that animals are extra work. If you are already having trouble managing your own life, adding another factor into the mix may be too disruptive at this time. Regular walks and playtime is a big commitment. And responsible pet ownership also means you need to invest in training, especially for dogs. One of the bigger challenges people face with dogs is having the energy to go to designated dog parks. If you are constantly using your neighbours lawn for your dogs needs, it may cause a rift in the relationship. Additionally, if you let your dog bark at all hours of the day, your neighbours may lose patience and it could escalate tensions.

Getting A Pet

If you have decided to proceed with pet ownership, consider a local rescue organization or animal shelter. Many of them are overwhelmed with a large number of animals in need of a good home. If you want to go for a specific breed, ensure you are going with a reputable breeder.

A golden retriever sits on a couch with his paw on the hand of a man that is rubbing his belly.

If you think owning a pet is too much, that’s okay, you still have the option to volunteer at a shelter to get some furry cuddle time. Or, if you have friends with pets, visit them more! You can offer to pet sit when they go away, or go for regular walks to get some exercise together.

Pet your fur babies to feel better.

When becoming a pet owner, you are making a big commitment. For the majority of people, it is worth the effort. Find alternative ways of spending time with animals if it is too much of a commitment with your current lifestyle. This can include going to animal therapy, volunteering at an animal shelter, or helping out your friends with pets. Nonetheless, time with furry friends makes you feel good and needed. They accept you for who you are. A pet’s companionship is genuine, and their love is unconditional.

IMAGE CREDITS: Feature image – Unsplash | Eric Ward. Article images (in order top-down, left-right) – Unsplash | Alec Favale, Donald Giannatti, Vivian Cai, and Jack Brind.