Living room with natural light coming through thin, white curtains, supplemented by a standing lamp and two hanging light fixtures. Wood floors with area rug create a contrast of texture. Couple of plants in the corner add a natural element. Bright coral-coloured couch across from two white chairs, and a round marble coffee table. Multiple vases, sculptures, and two paintings finish the room with splashes of colour.

Redecorate for a Change of Scenery

Our home should be a safe space for us to decompress after a stressful day. Often we ignore that our space is adding to the anxiety in our lives. A few conscious decisions to redecorate can radically shift how we feel in a space and be inspired. Many people avoid redecorating because of cost and the magnitude of the perceived project. But even small, inexpensive changes can have a lasting impact.

Reasons to redecorate

Redecorating or rearranging our homes is important to make the space fulfill our needs. Our homes should bring us joy and be a space to recharge our energy. We should feel good coming home. Often times, our spaces become cluttered and neglected, so it does the opposite effect. Lack of time and stress can contribute to this state. It is worth dedicating a chunk of time to make a few adjustments.

Besides the obvious change of scenery, redecorating or rearranging things can also give you a sense of accomplishment. It is a unique project, that requires focused attention. Once completed, you can see the results of your hard work and that accomplishment releases the feel-good hormones. If you have recently moved and your home isn’t quite feeling like it’s yours yet, redecorating might be the fix you are looking for.

Avoid perfectionsim, if it turns out that after some time you realize it’s not quite right, that is okay. You can always come back to it and adjust a thing or two. Most people make changes in their homes every 3-5 years. By focusing on one room at a time, or a portion thereof, you can break it down into easy and manageable steps. Remember that even positive change can lead to stress. Make sure that before, during, and after any significant changes, you remind yourself that you are creating the space for yourself, and that it will give you the suppport you need.

Getting started

Redecorating does not have to be a major project, but it can be. The goal of this exercise is for you to identify the things that help energize you and make you feel supported when you need it. Start small and then you can tackle a bigger project. You can make some significant changes without breaking the bank. Plan before you start spending money or throw everything out.

Dedicate time to see what you have. Make a conscious decision of what you need and what no longer serves any purpose. Both decluttering the space and organizing it is key to make an informed decision. Sometimes just rearranging the furniture is all it takes, plus a few new accents. Whatever your finished space looks like, ensure that you are setting yourself up for success for future organizing and clean-up to reduce added stressors.


Choose a paint colour that matches the energy of the space. There is a lot of information about colour theory. At the end of the day, it has to be the right choice for you. Don’t worry about the latest trend in interior design. This is a space that should reflect you, your personality and your needs. Softer hues tend to be more calming and can open up the space. Dark colours can create a cocoon effect that can be soothing or quite the opposite, create a sense of confinement depending on the person. If painting is not an option, add splashes of colour through accessories, key fixtures and/or furnishings.


Lighting is a key piece of any space, both for task lighting and overall ambient lighting. Natural light is so important for our ability to maintain our mental health. Seasonal Affective Disorder, or SAD, is a type of depression that affects millions of people and it is related to reduced levels of sunlight. People tend to be more fatigued, experience lower mood, and have sleep problems. Natural light helps keep our circadian rhythm with the seasons, helping us sleep well and recharge.

We don’t always have the ability to control natural light in our homes. The next best thing is to ensure we have evenly dispersed artificial light that is a warm, yellow hue to simulate sunlight. Adding a mirror opposite to a window can also increase the feel of the space and helps bounce more natural light throughout.

Consider a basket weave lamp shade or perforated metal lanterns, they simulate dappled lighting. This simulates the sunlight that breaks through the canopy of tree leaves. As a result, it creates a sense of safety in our minds. It also adds dimension to the space by adding shadows and softness. This supports the winding down that we need at the end of the day. Candles can also help relax at the end of the day. Make sure if using scented candles, it is a smell that appeals to you, otherwise the opposite effect may happen.

Bring Nature In

Add elements of nature to the space. A couple of plants, a little bit of wood, and some stone can make a big difference. These natural elements have an ability to help ground us. Plants not only add greenery to the space, they also help purify the air in your home. If you are new to plants, do a little research first to see which ones you will be able to maintain. Some of them are flowering and could exacerbate existing allergies. Having wood floors, furniture with wood elements, or décor pieces with wood can help lower blood pressure, heart rate, and stress levels. Natural stone adds another connection to nature in the home. This can be either a stone countertop, a tabletop, flooring, or a decorative vase filled with stones. Stones are unique, they vary in texture and colour, they fit all styles, and they help ground us.


Texture is often forgotten when it comes to design, but it is a critical part of redecorating your space. It can come from the fabrics you have in the space, the wall finish you choose, or the accessories you add. Fabrics are the most versatile. They vary in weight, colour, and material. You can use them for window coverings, as furniture finishes, on the floor, or a throw. Having a mix of textures helps to soften the space. Additionally, it helps dampen sound, creating a cozier space for yourself. Texture also plays to your sense of touch, which adds another level of grounding and comfort.


Artful arrangements should finish off your space. These elements will help inspire you and remind you of what you love. These can be pictures of people you care about or of things you enjoy like architecture or botanicals. Alternatively, display a sculpture you bought during your travels or a painting from a local artist you picked up at a market. Displaying pieces that have a sentimental value to you is important. It can even be something you have created. By having it on display can remind you of one of your prior accomplishments.

What space do you want to redecorate?

Regardless of which space you are redecorating, consider the colours and textures you incorporate. Maximize lighting, and make sure to add natural elements, for an optimal relaxing and supportive space. Appeal to all your senses as you redesign your space. And don’t forget to display some artwork, it can help inspire your next creation! Like any other major project, make a plan and start small. Be flexible and compassionate with yourself if the finished product isn’t what you envisioned. You can always keep tweaking here and there.

Don’t create a space that you think is “right”, create a space that is for you and meets your needs. If you share the space with others, be considerate of their needs. Conversely, every person that lives there can have their own space to pursue their own respective self care. Enjoy the process, it will be challenging, but very rewarding as you progress through the stages and experience your refreshed, finished space. Redecorating is a big accomplishment, and allows you to feel in control of a key aspect of your life.

IMAGE CREDIT: Unsplash | Spacejoy.