4-legged wooden chair, illuminated under a spotlight on a darkened stage

Self Care Pillars to Live a Balanced Life

Now more than ever we need to be able to take care of ourselves to ensure we maintain our well-being. This is where self care pillars come into play. Self care is not a trend, nor only for those seeking a form of enlightenment. It is for every being on this planet, regardless of profession, race, gender, age, you name it. Self care is a lifestyle. We all need to know these basic principles that will ensure we can handle anything that comes our way.

I often refer to these principles as my four self care pillars. They focus on the physical, psychological, emotional, and spiritual dimensions of our lives. A chair is a great metaphor to learn how to balance them. Any four-legged chair needs to have all four legs equally balanced, otherwise you experience awkwardness, frustration, lose focus, don’t enjoy the experience, and it impacts all aspects of your life, regardless if you are aware of it.

Identifying the 4 Pillars that Build Your Resiliency


Having a balanced diet that provides rich nourishment and diversity for enjoyment is essential for your body, both physically and mentally. Try new recipes to avoid boredom and try to plan your meals for the week in advance to avoid making rash decisions for bad choices when you are starving.


Incorporating a daily routine of physical activity ensures your body is strong and provides stress reduction. A 15-30 minute walk, yoga, resistance bands, can all be incorporated easily at minimal cost, and help you reach more demanding forms of activity once you establish a baseline.


Taking the time to get a break in the middle of a busy day and getting a full night of sleep are crucial to avoid burnout. Our brains don’t function properly if they haven’t recharged, making it harder to think clearly and have calm to make decisions. Getting sufficient sleep will also help boost your immunity to fight off disease.


Having positive relationships with people in your life is often overlooked. Reach out to a friend, family member or colleague, and build a bond. If you can’t physically be together, we are fortunate to live in a time where we have the technology that can bring us close to one another through video or phone. Studies have shown that physical touch impacts development in newborns and into early childhood, it builds a bond that communicates beyond words. But adults too need to feel a bond with someone or something to be whole, feeding their soul and contributing to their happiness.

Find Your Balance!

Regardless of how you chose to support your self care pillars, balance will be key for you to be in a space where you can tackle anything that comes your way in life.

IMAGE CREDIT: Unsplash | Allec Gomes