Medical room equipment on wall.

Time for a Checkup

Visit your family doctor on a regular basis to ensure your body is healthy. If you have underlying medical conditions, all the more reason to ensure things are being maintained. Some people have never seen a doctor, but everyone should schedule time for a checkup at some point. Our health is often overlooked when we get busy with life, but now more than ever, learning to get your health under control is essential for both your physical and mental well-being.


If you don’t have a regular family physician, try to seek one out. Some cities have a shortage, years can pass without having a doctor assigned to you. That should not be a reason to not be checked out. If you have to go to a walk-in clinic, do so. It is always best to have at least someone who is trained, who can at least give you general health guidance.

Ensuring you get a regular physical checkup is essential to ensure everything is working well inside your body. The frequency can vary, some recommend yearly, some say for young and healthy individuals, every three years is sufficient. Once you start the process, you will be advised, or ask how frequent you should be doing this. The medical practitioner will request some basic lab work to measure for major factors that are indicative of disease.

Don’t let the fear of them finding something stop you from getting a checkup. It’s always better to catch something in a screening than to have a health condition or disease take over your body and life. The sooner you catch things, the better it is for treatment purposes. Sometimes a screening might lead to visiting a specialist. This is not to be feared either. It is merely seeking advice from someone who is an expert in this area of medicine.

Beyond physicals, remember oral health and visit your dentist regularly. They can also spot problems tied to overall health with just a checkup. Seeing an eye doctor is also important. Don’t compromise your vision, it can lead to other challenges down the road. If you are sexually active, ensure you are engaging in safer sexual practices. ,get checked when you’ve changed partners.

Something is wrong

It is good to seek medical attention when you are experiencing a symptom that is new and you can’t explain why. Our bodies are extremely complex machines that start to breakdown from the day we are born. Does that sound harsh? Don’t take it that way. It’s meant to clue you in that everyone is mortal. Your body is comprised of multiple systems that can start to malfunction for countless reasons. Don’t be overwhelmed with that statement. You do need to acknowledge that this is one area in life we need to ask for help. By seeing a doctor, you can ensure you are doing what you can to make your body its optimal self.

Your role in your overall health is the strongest factor to contemplate. The older we get, the more we realize we are not the invincible being we once thought. That doesn’t mean we should give up. If you haven’t already done your best to be in the best shape you can be, now is the time to make a change. Key to managing your life is knowing if you have any existing conditions, and if you have a predisposition for certain diseases genetically. Checking in with a doctor is key.

If you do have a condition, you need to manage it. This can be hard, but only you can do it. Allow yourself to love yourself. Would you let someone you care about not take care of themselves? How does that make you feel if you know they are not doing what can potentially save their life? Wouldn’t you try to support them so that they can be around a little longer? Do the same for yourself.

What else

Besides ensuring you are checking in with a doctor as needed, and taking any medications you’ve been prescribed, also ensure to follow a good diet and engage in an exercise regime. There are many dieticians and nutritionists that can help steer your food planning in the right direction if you are struggling with this element. Thinking about food can be hard, but key to managing it, is learning how to rely on yourself for the bulk of your food intake. That way, you know what ingredients have gone into your meal, and you can eliminate or reduce things you should be avoiding.

In terms of exercise there is such an array out there, it really comes down to your choice, and any recommendations outlined by your doctor. If all you can do is walk, that’s a good start! Try to incorporate a variety of activities, keep it fun, and work on different parts of your body.

Don’t forget to exercise your brain muscles too! I engage in brain puzzles every morning with breakfast to keep my brain sharp. It has been proven that by testing your brain’s capabilities, you boost brain activity and reduce the risk of dementia. Your memory improves, as well as your ability to concentrate. Theses are things that often are compromised with some health conditions, so you can diminish their effects by actively participating in brain exercises.

How are you feeling today?

Your overall well-being is reliant on regular monitoring. It may seem like a lot to do, but if you build a routine, it becomes manageable. Persistence and having a good support system around you will help you get through this. By doing your best, you not only potentially extend your life, but you ensure that the life that you do have is the best quality it can be. Physical and mental balance is important, and having the awareness of your body to know when something has changed is imperative. Build your self-awareness and make a point to get a checkup, it’s part of managing your life.

IMAGE CREDIT: Unsplash | Abby Anaday.